Governance and Control

Get a grip on your technology costs, the outcomes achieved and the current health of your systems. Map your information stores and flows.

We'll get you started by giving you better visibility of existing systems and services, then we'll build your controls around this. We believe that simple, low effort tools and techniques are sufficient for understanding nearly every business environment.

We can work with you to establish an information technology strategic plan, a technology roadmap, budgets and performance reporting.

How does your organisation determine which are the most important projects to be funded? Are your currently running projects the most valuable ones for your business?

We have developed processes for prioritising and funding more than $25M worth of projects in the past ten years. We can build your own portfolio management practice, or run it for you.

You may wish to formally define who's Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed (RACI) on decisions involving technology.

Let's find out who's actually in control, by auditing your technical access and administrative privileges. We'll highlight where you may need to do some tightening up.

We can (re)design your systems, processes and technical roles. We will communicate the need for change and coordinate the changes that your business needs, and we will put you back in control.